In the age of COVID-19, just about everyone is missing genuine human interaction.
The college campus and your future students are no exception.
Stand above your competitors with our Call Center-in-a-Box. 25th Hour Communications has helped countless clients develop, implement, and maintain call center services. Having that personal touch will set your college apart from other institutions.
With the Call-Center-in-a-Box, potential students will know that your college or university cares about its students and will support them in their academic or career journeys while at your institution. Students have literally thousands of options now that many colleges are fully online -- but few offer an accessible person to answer their questions when they need it most.
Currently, 25th Hour Communications offers two options: we offer the base plan, which allows your team the ability to track outreach to stop-out and applied but not registered students. You will also receive a trackable phone number, new number creation or use of a college number that forwards to a trackable number and supporting documents that will make it easy for the staff you hire to respond to questions and grow your enrollment.
Our upgraded plan includes all of the above plus regular monitoring of tool utilization, call center quality assurance audits, reporting to college, customizable intake form fields, and counsel on findings and optimization.
Ready to get started? Schedule a consultation today!